What if you let yourself want?
I need to ask you something.
And I don’t mean the polite, “oh, just curious” kind of ask like I usually do. I mean the look-you-in-the-eyes, soul-shaking, pause-before-you-answer kind of ask…

The four horsemen that poison relationships, and how to stop them
You know that moment when an argument takes a turn, and suddenly, you’re no longer talking about the issue, and instead you’re attacking each other? Maybe it starts as a small frustration, but before you know it, one of you is criticizing, the other is getting defensive, and suddenly, you’re in that all-too-familiar cycle of disconnect. You might even wonder, Why do we always end up here?

How Play Heals Your Nervous System (And Why It’s the Missing Piece in Your Healing)
Somewhere along the way, many of us absorbed the message that play is something we’re supposed to outgrow. That as we get older, life needs to be more serious, structured, and productive.

Why you’re not self sabotaging and what is actually happening
Have you ever found yourself frustrated, wondering, Why do I keep getting in my own way?! Maybe you’ve set a goal, felt excited about it, and then—without warning—you procrastinate, shut down, or retreat into old habits. It feels like you’re “sabotaging” yourself. But what if that’s not what’s happening at all?