Welcome. Your Journey begins here.

Current Offerings:

Nourishing the roots; A Full regenerative Journey:

1:1 Coaching: 1o Week Experience for comprehensive growth and the deepest long-term change.

Get access to a personalized, gentle, yet multi-transitional experience that ladders up to the dream vision you have for your life.

Over your 10 week journey, you will have access to 1 (60-120 minute) video or phone call per week where we will dive deep into your goals, any challenges you may come across, fun experiential exercises, and an abundance of self-discoveries.

You will also receive between-session coaching support via the app “Voxer” from Monday through Friday; this being at your discretion (the details of this will be gone over thoroughly in our connection call).

What you’ll experience in your weekly sessions:

  • We will uncover what’s been stopping you, slowing you down, or keeping you from having the life you want, and learn what causes the repetition of old patterns or habits that are no longer life-serving.

  • We will develop a powerful, personalized vision for your journey, and what it will mean for your wellness and your life. We will be exploring core beliefs and self-limiting patterns.

  • From that vision, we will unearth a clear pathway for you that will be the high-vibrational springboard to launch you into your new and upleveled norm, and uncover the new beliefs that make you feel alive.

  • You will receive tailored, achievable action steps each week that will support your success. You will uncover and unleash any personal power waiting to be expressed, and develop long-term strategies for emotional resilience.

  • We will dive deep into healing meditative practices, and integrate powerful breathing techniques to bring more peace and calmness to your life.

To embark on your journey with me, let’s connect!

Schedule your FREE strategy session here!

Rooted revival; a starter path to personal growth:

1:1 Coaching: 5 Week Experience for immediate results and foundational growth

Get access to a personalized, gentle, yet intensive multi-transitional experience that ladders up to the dream vision you have for your life.

Over your 5 week journey, you have access to 1 (120 minute) video or phone call per week where we will dive deep into your goals, any challenges you may come across, fun experiential exercises, and an abundance of self-discoveries.

You will also receive between-session coaching support via the app “Voxer” from Monday through Friday; this being at your discretion (the details of this will be gone over thoroughly in your connection call).

What you’ll experience in your weekly sessions:

  • We will uncover what’s been stopping you, slowing you down, or keeping you from having the life you want, and learn what causes the repetition of old patterns or habits that are no longer life-serving.

  • We will develop a powerful, personalized vision for your journey, and what it will mean for your wellness and your life. We will be exploring core beliefs and self-limiting patterns.

  • From that vision, we will unearth a clear pathway for you that will be the high-vibrational springboard to launch you into your new and upleveled norm, and uncover the new beliefs that make you feel alive.

  • You will receive tailored, achievable action steps each week that will support your success. You will uncover and unleash any personal power waiting to be expressed, and develop long-term strategies for emotional resilience.

  • We will dive deep into healing meditative practices, and integrate powerful breathing techniques to bring more peace and calmness to your life.

To embark on your journey with me, let’s connect!

Schedule your free strategy call here!

Single session life coaching: Your power hour for transformation

1:1 Coaching: 1 session Experience

Get access to one powerful session with me where you will experience the transformative impact of life coaching designed to address your immediate needs and goals. Whether you are seeking clarity, tackling a specific challenge, or jumpstarting your personal growth, our single session will be tailored to deliver immediate value.

For your session, you will have access to 1 (120 minute) video or phone call with a fun experiential exercise ,and an abundance of self-discoveries.

What you’ll experience in your weekly session:

  • Customized Approach The session is tailored to address your specific needs, ensuring that we focus on what matters most to you.

  • We will develop a powerful, personalized vision for your journey, and what it will mean for your wellness and your life.

  • From that vision, we will unearth clear, actionable steps that align with your values and aspriations. You will leave the session feeling empowered and motivated to take action!

  • You will receive motivation and confidence, new perspectives and a deeper understanding of your challenges and goals, a safe space to share your thoughts and feelings in a confidential and non-judgemental environment.

  • Gain the first level of clarity into healing meditative practices and powerful breathing techniques to bring more peace and calmness to your life.

To embark on your journey with me, let’s connect!

First, schedule your FREE strategy session here!

What if……..

Your desires and appetites are the keys that open up the life experience of fulfillment, satisfaction, aliveness, and freedom?

What good things could happen if you followed them as far as they would take you?


Coming Soon to my instagram: @coachashcoop