Desire is a memory from your future self

There is a part of you that knows that the thing you desire is also something that is going to go well.

✨️ Do you feel that spark? That desire pulling you towards your dream?
The future you who is already doing what you want to be doing is pulling you towards that dream!

But there is a part of you in the here, and now that is going:
"no ⛔️🙅‍♀️ the unknown is scary, and I have to protect this safety that I've built around me and continue doing the same things I've always been doing because that's what's been getting me by. And maybe I am not as happy as I could be, but I know this is 'safe' and what if it's worse out there?!"

Then all of your fears and reasons not to go for your dream come up, and it happens very quickly!

🦋✨️ So, I'd love to ask you this question: Who gets to make the decisions about your life and what you get to do with it?
How do you usually protect what your fear says you might lose?
Noticing that this was what felt good for you in the past, and right now, you are using this to convince yourself that this way feels better than going after your DESIRED dreams, your NEW goals. Or simply trying something you haven't done before, like a new class or traveling somewhere (anywhere), even if it's something you really want to do!

How does it feel to think about yourself as the decision maker?

Let me know!

I am cheering you on!
Coach Coop


Shift Your Mindset: Say "I Get To" Instead of "I Have To"


Embracing Self-Love and Compassion: A Journey to the Authentic Self