Nurturing Your Neurological State: The Missing Link to True Wellness

We all know the drill: eat healthy, move your body, get enough sleep, and drink plenty of water. These are the cornerstones of physical health, right? But what if I told you that there’s a missing piece to the wellness puzzle—one that’s just as important as the food on your plate or the hours you clock doing body movement?

You see, our bodies and minds are deeply connected. So much so that the tension in your shoulders or the ache in your stomach might not be from what you ate or how you slept, but from something much deeper - something you’ve been carrying around, maybe even for years. You may have even forgotten about what this thing could be, if your subconscious mind understood the assignment from that time.

The Connection We Often Overlook

We live in a world that loves quick fixes. Got a headache? Take a pill. Feeling tired? Grab a coffee. But our bodies are always communicating with us, often in ways that aren’t immediately obvious. What if that stomach ache wasn’t just from a heavy meal, but from the stress you’ve been bottling up? What if your chronic fatigue has less to do with your sleep habits and more with the emotional baggage you’ve been carrying?

Our minds and bodies are constantly in conversation. When we bury our feelings or ignore our mental and emotional health, it doesn’t just disappear—it shows up in our bodies, sometimes in unexpected ways.

Why Love and Care for Your Mind is Non-Negotiable

Honoring your neurological state—your thoughts, emotions, and even the old wounds you’ve buried—isn’t just a nice idea; it’s essential for true, holistic health. When we give our minds the same love and care we give our bodies, something beautiful happens. We start to heal, not just on the surface, but deep down where it really counts.

Think of it this way: your body is like a garden. If we only tend to the leaves and flowers but ignore the roots, the garden might look good for a while, but it won’t thrive. The same goes for our health. When we address the emotional and mental roots of our physical symptoms, we create the space for deep, lasting healing.

How to Start Nurturing Your “Garden”- Your Mind and Body Connection

  1. Check-In with Yourself: Take a few minutes each day to sit quietly and check in with how you’re really feeling. Not just physically, but emotionally too. Journaling can be a great way to explore what’s been on your mind or what you’ve been avoiding.

  2. Breathe and Be: Simple breathwork or meditation can work wonders for calming your nervous system and giving your mind a much-needed break. It doesn’t have to be complicated—just a few minutes of focused breathing can help you reset and reconnect with yourself.

  3. Let It Out: Whether it’s talking to a friend, writing it down, or even having a good cry, find ways to express what you’re feeling. Holding things in doesn’t just weigh on your mind—it can weigh on your body too.

  4. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to the signals your body is sending. If you notice tension, pain, or discomfort, take a moment to reflect on what might be going on in your life emotionally. Sometimes the body knows what the mind hasn’t fully acknowledged yet.

The Path to True Wellness

Our bodies are wise, and they’re always trying to tell us something. By tuning in and caring for your neurological state with the same love and attention you give to your physical health, you’re setting yourself up for a more balanced, peaceful life. Remember, wellness is more than skin-deep—it’s about nurturing every part of yourself, inside and out.

You are inspiring, you are loved, KEEP GOING!

I am cheering you on!


Coach Coop


Shift Your Mindset: Say "I Get To" Instead of "I Have To"