Owl Post (It) #12

When we worry about making a mistake, or producing something imperfect, we begin to create disaster scenarios in our head.

We are truly excellent at constructing everything that might go wrong if we try something new, but there comes a certain self-abandonment in that.

What you are not considering is-
What happens if nothing changes?
What is the cost of the status quo?

I invite you to challenge your fears, and pivot!
My first tip would be to spend 10-15 minutes doing a brain-dump and ask yourself:
"If I avoid this action/decision/needle-mover towards my goals...what will my life look like in the near future?
What about the distant future?"

What journey would you like to start today to get you closer to your goals?
Deeper work is possible! Comment or DM me "Status-Quo!" and we can connect around this!!

I am cheering you on!!
Coach Coop


Embracing Self-Love and Compassion: A Journey to the Authentic Self


Owl Post (It) #11