Dougal almost got away with today's Owl Post (it)!

I'd like to introduce to you "The Fake-through" (Breakthrough's sneaky brother), and let me know if it sounds like a familiar pattern around creating habit/lifestyle changes:

1. Having enlightenment that you want to switch to more life-giving habits.
2. Begin to work towards those new habits in a system of punishment/reward that works for a few days to a few weeks, or even a few months.
3. Feel defeat when things aren't sticking as well as when you started and it seems super hard to keep up with these new habits.
4. Feeling like it is your fault for why things didn't stick, and having feelings of shame, judgement, anger, defeat towards yourself for not "doing better".
5. Punish yourself for the promise of an eventual reward, but at the same time having feelings of a "why bother" mentality.

What if seeing things from a new perspective could open up everything for you?
What if shame, judgement, and punishments are actually not the fast way towards the life you want?

This topic excites me SO much!!
How do you pivot from a judgement mindset?!
Start getting CURIOUS!
Curiosity stops judgement in it's tracks.

It is integral to step back and get distance between you and your natural, programmed state.
This distance will open up the opportunity to see things from a new perspective.
It takes time to rewire and build new neuropathways that become new habits that support the version you most want to be.
We are working with the ultimate form of intrinsic motivation where life-giving habits become part of your identity and you don't even have to think about them!
If actions are taken from a place of:
-Fear-"Not Enoughness" -Doubt -Confusion -Worry
then they are not being taken from an empowered place.
Once we let go of the beliefs that are no longer life-serving, the ones that are probably causing dysfunction, then we get to choose what else we want to believe and who we want to be!
At this stage of your evolution, you get to decide what is true about you, your life, and your world!


Coach Coop


Owl Post (It) #5


Owl Post (It) #3