Owl Post (It) #3

I want to let you in on a secret that people spend their entire lives searching the answer for:

Your life's purpose is to feel wholeheartedly alive and fulfilled!
That is it!

If you wake up and often feel like something is not right, or if you are not feeling wholeheartedly alive and fulfilled, it might be time to recalibrate and expand your channels.
Your desire to uplevel your life experience could be calling on you to take action!

Where does your uncomfortable feeling live in your body?
What is your uncomfy-ness trying to preserve for you?
What is your uncomfy-ness hoping you will gently let go of in order to break free of limiting beliefs?

The parts of us that crave new habits, beliefs, or change are always going to conflict with the parts of us trying to keep us safe and in our comfort.

How can you think about an obstacle or self-limiting belief in a new way?

Ex: "This is happening TO me" vs "This is happening FOR me".
Which one is more empowering?

These slight pivots to change your narrative will enable you to:
🌻Think about experiences in a different way -->
🌻Thus opening you up to new possibilities -->
🌻Which unlocks more choice about how you respond and react to that experience-->
🌻Thus allowing you to take liberating responsibility for how we engage in, and experience life.

Often, fears, or obstacles are seen as a reason to quit, think it is not meant to be or not going to work out.
That problem, obstacle, or fear is actually there to "build your muscle" of self-confidence. We get stronger with consistency and practice!

Come dive deeper with me! Let's explore what your fears or limiting beliefs are trying to tell you.
I'd love to help you break free from anything in your life that is no longer life-giving!


Coach Coop


Owl Post (It) #4


Owl-Post (It) #2