Owl Post (It) #5

Small hinges swing big doors.
The small actions you are taking to move you inevitably closer to your goals deserve your attention and your celebration!

Especially the small actions that did not get the response or outcome you thought/wanted.
Celebrating the actions you are taking ALONGSIDE the desired outcome is a major needle-mover on your goal-accomplishing journey.
Taking vulnerable action can be very raw, and if we do not get the response or outcome we wanted we can feel defeated.
However, the importance in celebrating the action alongside the outcome settles in the fact that you will be taking many actions towards what you want in your lifetime, and a lot of those will result in a response or outcome you might not have wanted.
But, what if taking any kind of small action still moves you forward?

Can you be okay with "good enough" instead of waiting until things are "perfect", because which option brings you inevitably closer to success?
Discontinue the notion that you need external validation from responses that you get.

Know things are on their way for you! Keep taking courageous action! Keep taking small steps!
You have the opportunity here to interrupt the trajectory of your normal thinking and pivot them!
Be proud of yourself for doing something that moves you forward!


Owl Post (It) #6


Owl Post (It) #4