Owl-Post (It) #2

Owl-Post (it). Monday, February 19, 2024:

All of our behaviors, habits, routines, thoughts, wants, desires, feelings, likes, dislikes, loves, and hates are doing their best to lead you to a more fulfilling and happy existence.

Our habits have been our companions for navigating this complex life for a long time - it can be very sensitive to let them go, even if we do want to let them go.

If you find yourself in judgment, fear, self-criticism, dissatisfied, or unfulfilled it is a good sign that it might be time to (gently) reevaluate what habits may no longer be life-giving, and begin to pivot.

This is an opportunity to grown your own body wisdom and intuition. Lean into your internal references.

What is your fear telling you? Your anger? Your sadness? Is there something that these feelings are trying to say that can grow your self-knowledge? What can you learn?

Have you given your feelings the floor lately to safely express what they are trying to lead you to, or protect you from? What are they wanting for you? What are they worried about?

Get curious. Invite them to come forward!

You'll notice the voices start to get quieter. You are in control of all of this!

When faced with a situation, or even criticism from others (or yourself), learn to say "I know who I am! I trust myself and I have a value system that I trust."

Keep checking your internal compass. Keep identifying the positive intentions your body wisdom has for you, and lean into that. What if you are successful? What if it does all work out in your favor? What if what fear is trying to protect you from is the exact thing that is going to contribute to your aliveness?

Come dive deep into your self-love journey with me by opening the relationship HERE!


Coach Coop


Owl Post (It) #3


Owl-Post(It) #1