Owl Post (It) #10

Most people have a great idea of what kind of life they would like to be leading and what they would like to be doing for themselves.
Why is it so easy to stay in the same place?

The powerful pull of habit keeps us stuck!

"Research at Duke University showed us how many of our daily actions are habits. 40-45% of the decisions we make each day are actually HABITS, not really decisions." -The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg.

That is the magic of habits! That, because our brain stops working around a behavior, it frees up mental activity for other things.

Neuroscience is showing us that changing the course of your life is not as simple as making a new years resolution. It has been discovered that our strongest habits have wired themselves into the neuropathways of our brain!

This is why reframing can be SO powerful! When you can pivot your thoughts to be more empowering, it will begin to rewire your brain and show you things from a new light and from new perspectives.

Many peoplee feel so depleted at the end of the day because they are consistantly being pulled in a million directions.
You will always make time for the most important things.

What if you began to reframe the sentence "I have to", and said "I get to" instead?
This helps rewire your brain to show you that these things you are giving permission to take up your time are empowering choices you are making.

What if the things you are doing don't feel like your choice?
Comment or message me "Honoring My Choice!" and we can figure out how to pivot you to something more life-giving!

I am cheering you on!!
Coach Ashley


Owl Post (It) #11


Owl Post (It) #9