Owl Post (It) #9

I said it once, and I'll say it again:

The purpose of life is to feel wholeheartedly alive and fulfilled!

Knowing what makes you feel that way requires a little bit of inner work!

Answering the questions:
1. Who am I?
2. What is important to me?
3. What gets me excited?
will help you further expand your definition of your life-purpose.

If you don't know the answer to those three questions, how is that dictating the choices you are making for you and for your life?

~What would be the next right step for you?
~Do you need guidance with answering those questions?

I'll let you in on another secret. What is important to you/what excites you may evolve over time!
This is the exciting part!
Where can you go next?!

If you are having trouble navigating which direction you want to take for your life, message me or comment "Life's Purpose!" and I've got your back!
We can set up a free connection call and help uncover the answer to those questions so you can begin to feel wholeheartedly fulfilled and alive like you deserve to!

I am cheering you on!
Coach Ashley


Owl Post (It) #10


Owl Post (It) #8