Owl Post (It) #6

Have you ever paused and noticed that the more you suppress that uncomfy feeling of fear the more it calls to be heard?

It is part of us; those voices are part of us.

It is okay, and even necessary, to check in and see if there is something your emotions are trying to say to you that can grow your inner wisdom and help catapult you forward.

In relation to living our best life and walking in a different direction than we normally do, a lot of the time, fear wants to say:
"Stop! I don't want to feel bad things! Don't make me go that way!"

It is protection from:
-Negativity -Judgement -Criticism
-Perceived failure

Maybe you can start to see how fear might not actually be your enemy, but a friend that is looking out for you!

However, fear can oftentimes keep you in inaction!
Even if it is not a physical stressor, you will be in fight, flight, or fawn mode, as the ever complex human mind does not process physical and emotional stressors as different.

Observe how powerful it feels to hear what your fear might be telling you!
Acknowledge that it is here for a reason, that you don't have to fight against it.
If it is irrational and you cannot hold it to be true, then it is time to gently let it go.

Practice saying:
"Fear, thank you so much for being such a wonderful teacher and looking out for me so that I may not fail or be judged."

Then, that fear voice begins to get quieter because it was given the space to be heard, and we are not fighting against it (and we acknowledged that it does serve it's purpose in some situations).

Then, go back to feeding the self-esteem.
What is the opposite your fear was feeding you?
What if you are successful?
What if it does all work out in your favor?
What if it will be the exact thing that will contribute to your aliveness?

Practice giving yourself more credit, too, for how much you are learning and growing, and how awesome you are doing with what you've been given.

If you'd like, comment and tell me 3 reasons why you are awesome! I'd love to celebrate you!


Owl Post (It) #7


Owl Post (It) #5