Owl Post (It) #7

Have you ever been trying to carve out new pathways towards new habits for yourself, have it go well for a few weeks, and then start slipping back into your old ways?
I have some good news!
Your brain is working perfectly!

The part of your brain that wants to grow, to learn, to change battles a daily war with the part of your brain trying its darndest to keep you in your safety and comfort.

The punishment/reward system that our collective has become accustomed to is such a toxic cycle!

After you begin to experience good changes, this will please the conscious mind, but the part of your brain that does not want the changes will sound the alarm bells!

The unknown=unsafe!
This will cause the almost inevitable slip back to the old way seem so much better than continuing on with the new way of being, even if it is what you want!

We get a reward feedback loop at first, but then there is a crash. This will make a person feel:
-Like a failure
-Like they did something incorrectly/something is wrong with them
-A "why bother" attitude.

And this can lead to EVEN MORE punishing attempts and attempts at "redemption".

If we begin to label ourselves as "good" or "bad" based on if we stick to a plan or not, or beat ourselves up for "messing up" or not sticking with something, this is only hurting our resilience and brilliance!

*Sticking to the plan does not make you a good person, just as "falling off track" does not make you a bad person.

Part of you may still be attached to an old way of being.
Show compassion, gratitude, and gentleness to that part of you.

Ask: "What are you trying to preserve, or prevent?"
"What good things might come from getting what we want?"

Begin to let go of the story that is preventing you from the growth you want to feel and experience!

Stay in your curiosity!
I am cheering you on!

Coach Coop


Owl Post (It) #8


Owl Post (It) #6